Photos and Donors
Thank you to everyone who donated to our new chapter room in Bassett Hall!
($1000 donors in bold)
Paul Allen Carl Frazier-Sparks Daniel Porter
Cody Alton Drew Grey Joseph Porter
Rick Arenstein Mark Goss Stephen Porter
David Bachert Johan Graham Skip Redmond
Douglas Baker William Hall Lee Richardson
Steve Banfield Robert Howard Alan Rutenberg
Vince Barber Jay Hunter Josh Santana
Alan Bartley Doug Hutcherson Charles Seabury
Tony Blanton Victor Jacobson Ben Senninger
Mark Bond Dayn Johnson Kyle Spring
Jack Branum Rick Jones Brook Stahley
Kevin Brown Stephen Kreyenbuhl Ross Stinetorf
Jacob Brumfield J.D. Lester Aaron Thompson
Todd Bruner Giles Light Rick Tittman
Tom Claycomb Logan Lloyd Kirk Tolle
Matthew Clayton Barton Lynch Nathan Underwood
Brian Collins Richard Mains Gene Vance
Chris Compton Patrick Marsh David Walters
Bryan Conover Marc Mathews Kevin White
Cam Culbertson Richard Medley Michael Williams
Steve Dobler Jeffrey Menkes Catesby Woodford
Martha Fawbush Stephen Merriman Blake Wright
John Fleming Dexter Meyer Anthony Zanni
Daniel Ficker Jamie Millard Ed Zuroweste
Everyone who saw ours during Alumni Weekend was impressed with what we have done and the chapter members love it! We still have some additional needs including a new TV and sound system if you are so inclined.